1 .Buoyancy. Super buoyancy – lighter then water!

HDPE is a multi-talented material. Let’s start with its density: it can range from 930 to 970 kg/m3. That makes HDPE extremely buoyant, even when submerged –  it is 8 times lighter than steel and 3 times lighter than aluminum. Moreover, this means that boats made of this material will not sink when submerged in the water, even if all the compartments are completely flooded.

2. Zero corrosion – zero maintenance

Oxygen, salt and water have no effect on HDPE. HDPE will not be affected by the ravages of time. Paint system: obsolete. Salt water: no need to rinse. Simply put: HDPE offers zero corrosion, zero maintenance.

3. Resistance to marine growth – no anti fouling needed

With an HDPE hull you will never have to deal with marine growth: it just doesn’t stick. So thanks to its continuous clean and smooth bottom the fast HDPE boat keeps its speed. Without anti-fouling, mind you. So no toxic pollution, no environmental damaging.

4. Strength – not afraid of sharp rocks!

RIB tubes are quickly damaged when bumping into a sharp rock or rampart. Not HDPE. Its viscous and elastic characteristics prevent from both deformation of cracks. HDPE is both tough and flexible thanks to its elastic properties A strong HDPE hull is perfect if you work close to the shore.


Polyethylene is an elastic material that prevents deformation and cracking of the boat; it is very resistant to damage in a collision.

6.Maintainability – Easy to repair!

What if you need to repair something on your HDPE boat? Mind you, this is a big IF, because these situations rarely occur with HDPE. We just get that question a lot. The answer is simple: any local plastic production company can do it for you. Or DIY – with plastic welding kit. You can make local repairs to damaged parts quickly and easily.

7.Low carbon footprint

The carbon footprint of HDPE production is 5 times lower than aluminium! And that’s only one aspect when it comes to durability. Another: an HDPE boat is indestructible, so will stay with you for 10, 20, 30, 40 years.

8.Long lasting!

Resistant to aging. The service life of polyethylene is estimated at least 50 years, but the characteristics prove that in reality it is much higher.

9. Resistance to the chemical environment – No harm done!

Working with chemical or fuels? Great news: HDPE can hardly be affected by any aggressive liquids. Polyethylene is highly resistant to chemically aggressive environments

10. Durability: 100% recyclable

GRP boats have a limited lifespan and are impossible to recycle. The same goes for aluminium: metal deterioration will send any aluminium boat to the scrapheap at one point. HDPE, however, is a different story. It can be 100% remelted and recycled in a new PE blend. Why should you melt it, recycle it? You shouldn’t, you needn’t. We just thought you would like to know you could. That’s all.